Our Club Anniversary Charters
When a Lions Club is formed, it receives a 'Charter' from Lions Clubs International HQ in USA. Every year we celebrate our 'birthday' with a Charter celebration – it may be a lunch, dinner or afternoon tea. But the emphasis is always on celebration.
8th Anniversary Charter 11th August 2024
Our Charter Anniversary this year was an afternoon tea held at The Swan Cygnet Function Room, High Street, Maldon.
Certificate of appreciation to The Swan 5th October 2023
On 5th October 2023 our President Moira presented a Certificate of appreciation to The Swan for the help they gave us with our charter
7th Charter Anniversary 30th July 2023
The Swan function room, Maldon for afternoon tea
Immediate Past President and Zone Chair Robyn with PDG Chris presented Pins and MD105 Certificates of Appreciation to former Lionesses who are now members of our club, in recognition of the many years of service through the organisation as Lionesses as well as Lions
5th Charter Anniversary 30th June 2021
We held our first ever Zoom horse race afternoon, superbly organised by Robyn we were treated to a fun afternoon of virtual racing. We put on our posh clothes, wore a hat and had afternoon tea, what fun we had!
DG Chris and his wife Sue attended, and Saffron Walden Lions sponsored a race