Peace Poster: General Information
The Peace Poster Contest was created in 1988 to give young people the opportunity to creatively express their feelings for world peace and to share their visions with the world. Approximately 350,000 children from more than 65 countries participate in the contest annually.
The competition is open to young people who will be 11, 12 or 13 years old on November 15, either in schools or youth groups such as Scouts and Guides. Within our own District there is also a trophy for the best entry from a Special School. The theme changes each year – examples of themes uses are “Share Peace”, and "A Celebration of Peace”.
A Peace Poster Pack is required for each school or group involved. The packs become available in Spring and can be collected at Convention in March, or ordered direct from MDHQ. The current cost is £14.00+P&P per pack. An important fact to remember is that the rules are very particular about the size of paper used. A2 is the closest standard size available.
The competition provides us with the chance to interact with young people in our communities, introducing the youth to international understanding, as well as giving our Clubs a vehicle for obtaining positive publicity.
For each contest a Club sponsors, one winner is chosen to advance to the District Final, which usually takes place in November. The overall winner here advances to the Multiple District competition where one poster is chosen to send to the International level of the competition.
The International grand prize winner receives a trip to a special award ceremony at Lions Day with the United Nations, along with an engraved plaque and a cash prize of US$5000.
So that is a brief summary of how the Peace Poster competition benefits both young people and ourselves. For additional information and the full Rules and Conditions please follow the link to the LCI Peace Poster pages. Please contact me if you have any query relating to the Competition.